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The Post-War Years

Once the war was over, a gala was held in Northcliffe, and slowly the facilities reopened: the tennis courts in 1944, the Tennis Club, bowling green and putting course in 1945. Farming was required to continue for another few years because of the food shortages in the country. By 1946 the Council was looking at what additional facilities to provide in Northcliffe, exploring the idea of a second bowling green on a former grass tennis court, a pavilion for bowlers and a bandstand. The second bowling green was created but none of the other ideas were followed through.

In 1947 the pond at the start of Northcliffe woods was drained, possibly as a precaution against the spread of poliomyelitis. It was filled in with rubble said to be from Fox's Corner, Shipley in the 1960s and grassed over.

Before the war, the Council had decided that only organised games could be played on the playing fields. Families and friends were not allowed to play their own games and run activities and when this was challenged by several people after the war the Council refused to change the rules but offered a review, only to decide that they wouldn’t change the rules a year later. Local people remember being chased by a ranger in the late 1940’s to keep them out of the woodlands where they were said to be damaging ferns, or for cycling which was forbidden.

In the early 1950’s the Bowling Pavilion was leased to the Northcliffe Amateur Bowling Club and the Northcliffe Fellowship discussed the redecoration of the room they rented and would occupy until the mid 1960s when they gave up their lease. It was re-let to the Northcliffe Bowling Association Ladies’ Section.

In 1948 Mr H. Chippendale offered the council Old Spring Wood, as a gift, which was accepted and added onto the maintenance schedule of Northcliffe. In that year, the Council approved £100 for condemned railway sleepers to make steps on the steep slope of Northcliffe Woods near the golf club house. These steps have now been replaced by concrete flagged ones.