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Postcards and other old images of Northcliffe

These postcards haveĀ  kindly been supplied by Ann Marie Troy.

She says of herself:

"I'm Shipley born and bred (Norman Rae Maternity home!) and lived on Avondale Road from 1956 up until I was married in 1980. Mum and dad were in the house from it being built in 1955 and we were right on the very edge of the Old Spring Wood. Northcliffe was a major part of my life growing up - walks with my dad up to 6 days only for the nettle beer, sledging, playing on the swings and slide, sliding down the bumps on cardboard in summer and making dens. There's something about it that will always hold a big place in my heart, it's a very special place. My maiden name was Crackles for anyone who might remember me. I've been collecting the cards for a few years now, basically just whenever I see one - they very occasionally turn up on eBay but are getting harder to source these days. I am pleased they are available for people to see."

If you have any stories about these postcards, or any old photos of Northcliffe you would be willing to share then please get in touch with us.